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Crafting High-Performance Websites with seamless User Experiences & Speed

Hi, I'm Suvrajit

A full stack developer

I prioritize client collaboration, fostering open communication
I'm very flexible with time zone communications
I constantly try to improve
My tech stack
Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.
The Inside Scoop
Currently learning React-native
Do you want to start a project together?

A small selection of my recent projects

Learning management system

Learning management system

A course publish website. Where teachers can publish and customize their courses and students can buy it and also they can rate each courses between 1 to 5 stars

React-native social media app

React-native social media app

This full stack social media mobile app usig appwrite as a backend. Appwrite is self hosted in aws EC2 instance and usig s3 bucket as files storage. This app is made using expo, expo-router, expo-camera, expo-image-picker. That is why people share their thoughts seamlessly.

Crypto currency app

Crypto currency app

A crypto currency coins website, where users can see coins price and charts in different popular currencies.

Todo app

Todo app

A simple todo app, where users can create board and add todos inside the boards. Also they can do CRUD operation

My Experience

My approach

Planning & Stratergy

We'll collaborate to map out your website's goals, target audience, and key functionalities. We'll discuss things like site structure, navigation, and content requirements.

Development & Progress Update

Once we agree on the plan, I cue my lofi playlist and dive into coding. From initial sketches to polished code, I keep you updated every step of the way.

Development & Launch

This is where the magic happens! Based on the approved design, I'll translate everything into functional code, building your website from the ground up.